Modifications to the Entry, Text, Menu, and Menubutton Perl/Tk Widgets 8/2/2005 TAJ To get the Sun Keypad keys to work "normally", MCSS has modified the standard Perl/Tk widget modules for Entry, Text, Menu, and Menubutton. The details of the changes are contained in the *.diff files (to be applied to later modules (if similar enough) with 'patch') and summarized here. Replaced the class key bindings for Left, Right, Delete, and KP_Enter. Added subroutines LeftNumLock, RightNumLock, DeleteNumLock, and DoReturn. The *NumLock subs check if the XEvent has an alphanumeric value associated with it (Ev('A')) and insert that value if it does exist. This alpha value appears when the NumLock is on. The DoReturn sub generates a '' event, so whatever is bound to the Return key gets executed. Replaced the same class bindings as, plus those for Up and Down. Added the same subroutines as, plus UpNumLock and DownNumLock. The *NumLock subs do the same as the ones in, as does the DoReturn sub. Added class key binding for KP_enter. Added DoReturn subroutine. DoReturn does the same thing it does in Same as These files are installed here in our file system: /usr/local/perl585/lib/site_perl/5.8.5/sun4-solaris/Tk